AC Repair, Maintenance & Other Spring Preparations

AC Repair

As we say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring, it’s important to check if you’re in need of an AC repair, maintenance visit or other general housekeeping. HVAC systems generally work in a way that maintenance is only needed 2 times a year – spring and fall. This doesn’t count, however, for any problems your system may randomly experience. Now is the time to get a jump start on making sure your AC is ready for springtime!

AC System Spring Housekeeping

AC Repair

With the spring times, comes hotter weather down here in San Antonio. If you’ve been noticing that your AC is acting up lately, now is the time to schedule an AC repair appointment before we get into the hottest times of the year.

Change The Filter

Spring and Summer time in San Antonio typically come with at least one dust storm blowing in from the Sahara. Make sure to change your filter at the beginning of each month.

Remove Condenser Covers

If you covered your condenser to protect your AC from any of the rare cold Texas days, now is the time to remove these. As you begin to crank up the AC during this season, having a cover on the system can cause great damage. Remove it early in the season, so you don’t forget about it!

Thermostat Checks

If you’ve got a programmable thermostat, now is the time to reprogram your system for the warmer months ahead. If you don’t have one, now is the time for you to do testing on your thermostat. Ensure that it is working properly and recalibrate your unit for the weather if needed.

Clean AC Unit

If you were a home that was decorated for the holidays, it’s very crucial to do this as small particles from decorations may be hiding in your AC vent. Get that duster out and give your AC vent a good dusting to start the spring season off on the right foot.

Spring Inspection

Here at Manuel & Sons, we recommend a spring inspection for your AC and a fall inspection for the heating system. This is another great way to ensure your home is ready to keep you cool in the upcoming months.

Contact us today to schedule your Spring AC inspection to see if there’s any other maintenance your AC system may need before the spring season!

Have Questions?

We have Solutions!

Whether you need to run an HVAC Diagnostics test or you need a brand new A/C unit in the San Antonio area, Manuel and Sons has your back! We take the time to walk you through the process and inform you every step of the way. Fill out the form or give us a call at (210) 550-8308. We’re here for YOU!
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